Celebrating 25 years
In June of 1994 the NC Farmworkers’ Project officially incorporated as a nonprofit. This summer, we’re celebrating 25 years of working for better conditions for farmworkers! Organizing and meetings for the Project began before 1994, but in that year the organization officially incorporated. This year marks 25 years of outreach, community meetings, and programs designed to better the lives of farmworkers, in partnership with farmworkers themselves.
Join us to celebrate!
You’re invited to a community gathering to help us celebrate! We’re meeting in the park in Benson on Sunday, August 25, 2019 from 3-6 pm to enjoy music, food, and games for the whole family in celebration of our 25 years of work. See our Facebook event for more information and to RSVP. We hope that community partners, friends, and farmworkers will all join us!
Share your memories and photos with us!
Throughout the rest of this year, we’ll be posting memories and stories from our work over the last 25 years (as well as updates on our current work!). Do you have pictures, stories, or memories from work with the NC Farmworkers’ Project in the last 25 years? Share it with us! You can post on our Facebook page or email us. We’ll share your memories of us on this page and on Facebook.